Sunday, 18 February 2018


Many oven cleaners contain toxic poisonous chemicals . 
The chemicals involved should not be used in your home and can cause breathing problems , headaches, burning throat and eyes and more . Damage to your precious body . 
All the signs are there on the cans usually , as they have a skull and crossbones on . This alone should mean they are not allowed to be bought and used anywhere . You , yourself would have seen the signs and thought 'should I use that'.
I have used them over the years but never liked to. I would open the windows and door and shut the oven as soon as I sprayed it in , trying not to inhale , while doing this . 
If it states you need to wear gloves and have ventilation , then clearly we should not be using it . 
Follow your intuition , the first thought in your head , that is never wrong .
The chemicals in these type of products could seriously damage you and maybe your sixth sense too . 
Our grandparents and great grandparents did not clean with toxic ingredients . They used low cost natural products and elbow grease . 
There are much safer , non toxic ways to clean , that work . 
You can help make your home a toxic free environment as much as you are able by switching to and making your own products . 

Here is a recipe I have recently used that left my kitchen smelling lovely , with aromas , it is safe to breathe in 

Bicarbonate of Soda
White Vinegar
Doterra Lemon Oil
Tip some some bicarbonate of soda into a bowl , add white vinegar to make a wet fizzy paste , add a couple of drops of Doterra Lemon oil . . Wipe onto oven doors and or inside oven . Leave for 5 to 10 minutes to allow it to start getting into grease and then scrub with a scourer and or metal scourer .
It works . I did this yesterday and it will leave the smell of lemons , that will not harm you like the shop bought oven cleaners.
I have never liked toxic fume oven cleaners and our ancestors never used them so we do not need to either . Use natural products like our grandmums did . 
The reason I use Doterra Lemon Essential Oil is because each bottle contains 45 lemons and nothing else . Many cheap brands contain things such as a carrier oil (almond oil) and one or two drops of lemon and maybe toxic added lemon scent . So if you used this you would be adding a carrier oil to the mix which would not help you clean your oven . It would be like adding some almond oil to the bicarb and vinegar. Doterra Lemon contains 45 lemons and 250 drops were bottle of pure lemon oil . Lemon oil is well known for its cleansing and uplifting properties , so using this will lift your spirits and help cut through the grease . 
You could then make yourself a lovely drink by adding a drop or two of Doterra Lemon Oil to a glass of cold water or make a green or other herbal tea , wait till it has cooled down to warm , not hot and add a drop or two of Doterra Lemon Oil . It is safe to consume . 
You would have given your oven a lovely clean and yourself , as the lemon oil will move through your 
body , cleansing and aiding digestion , making your organs and cells dance .

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